Working To End Domestic Violence
‘Domestic Violence is referred to as the physical, sexual, emotional or psychological abuse perpetrated against a person by someone with whom he/she shares or has shared an intimate relationship.
According to data provided by the Crime And Problem Analysis (CAPA) Branch of the Trinidad & Tobago Police Service (TTPS), there were approximately 11,441 reports relating to domestic violence incidents between 2010 and 2015. Approximately 75% of these reports were related to female individuals. During the same period there were 131 domestic violence related deaths of which 56% were female.
It is important that the work to end ‘Domestic Violence’ must always be pursued.

The work to eliminate domestic violence requires the strength of a strong leadership team and the vision of a founder.
Our values are a representation of what we believe in, what we stand for, and how we serve those who are in need of our support.
Women of Substance was founded by a passionate group of persons who survived and overcame domestic violence & are doing remarkable work.
“We continue to encourage you to break the silence and speak up! Help can be found here!”
– Onika Mars
We’re always looking for individual and community support to assist us in strengthening our awareness campaigns.
Does that sound like you?
Donate today and be a part of change.
Women of Substance is always hosting events with the objective of building up people, especially our women to know and understand their worth and value.
You are invited to join us.